On Guard Against Human Rights!


US-based human rights lawyer and activist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, who has led a charge against human rights violators, some still in power in India’s central government as well as Punjab state officials such Chief Minister Prakash Singh Badal, and murderous officials in India’s police force and other agencies, met with members of the local Punjabi media to announce  next week’s Sikh Sovereignty conference in Surrey along with colleague Jatinder Grewal. Selfless sacrifice for the sake of your community and fellow man is the core principle of Sikhism and Pannun has followed that to the tee! Using his own resources and knowhow, he and his colleagues have dedicated themselves to fight for justice for those oppressed Sikhs and others who brutally died at the hands of the state and those who continue to die in India. This is laborious and dangerous work for no gain except that one man, one organization can bring change! We salute you Mr. Pannun for all that you and your colleagues do to make this a better, just world!