Public notified of scam calls about monkeypox


The BC Centre for Disease Control and regional health authorities are alerting the public about reports of scam automated calls about monkeypox test results or exposures.

After an individual has a positive test for a communicable disease, such as monkeypox, public health contacts individuals for follow up and/or to identify people who may have been exposed to the communicable disease. This is known as case and contact tracing.

The majority of case and contact tracing in B.C. is done by public health staff in the regional health authorities and not the Ministry of Health. 

Public health does not use automated messages to notify individuals of infections or possible exposures (i.e. case and contact tracing). 

You will never be asked to provide financial information during case and contact tracing.

Please be alert for cybercriminals sending fake phishing emails, texts and robocalls to steal your personal and financial details. Learn more about People who meet eligibility criteria for the monkeypox vaccine are encouraged to get vaccinated with their first and second doses. Vaccination appointments are available through your regional health authority. Learn more about monkeypox vaccination.