Son Keeping Hope Alive For Father’s Return


SUVA – Five-year-old Abdul Razaak has been making frequent trips to Naitonitoni Beach to sort through the debris, hoping to find anything that could tell him about his father, Abdul Imraz, who has been missing at sea since Thursday afternoon.

The little boy is being helped by his grandfather Abdul Karim as they continue to hope that no misfortune has befallen Imraz

Since Friday, Abdul and Karim, 55, have made two trips to the beach — one in the morning and another after lunch as they remain hopeful that Imraz, 29, would be found. “My mother wanted to start the prayers for the funeral but I said no,” said Abdul Feroz, Imraz’s older brother.

“We have to remain positive, my brother, Abdul’s father is still out there.

“Abdul is so young but he is very mature for his age. He knows his father is missing and he insists he goes with his grandfather to the beach to keep looking.”

On Thursday at 2pm, Imraz convinced two of his friends to take him with them on a fishing trip. The friends disagreed because Imraz did not have any bait. But he insisted he could fish for his bait out at sea. They then took a small boat.

According to the men, a wave hit the boat and water rushed in, sinking it four kilometres from Toguru Beach. Their efforts to bail water proved futile as another wave hit the boat capsizing it.

They said Imraz was in shock and could not move. He was told to hold onto an ice box while the two swam ashore to get help. The first man swam ashore at 8:30pm while the other arrived half an hour later.

“All we have to go by is what they are saying. We have no idea what else might have happened out there,” Feroz said.

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