The Concept Of Unity In Diversity Must Be Upheld


By Dr. Sawraj Singh

The concept of unity in diversity is one of the basic concepts of Eastern spirituality as well as one of the fundamental principles of Eastern philosophy. The logic behind this concept is that even though perceptive, or manifest, reality looks different, yet the ultimate or eternal reality is the same. The concept of Braham is that universal reality permeates the universe and is present in everybody and everything. Things look different, but the essence of their existence is the same.

Another concept which illustrates the same principle is of Sargun and Nirgun. Sargun is imminent or manifest reality. Nirgun is transcendent reality, which is beyond any qualities. Sargun has three qualities of Rajo, Tamo, and Sato; while Nirgun is beyond all of these qualities. Nature is Sargun reality, while Parmatama is Nirgun reality, which is unchanging or eternal ultimate reality. There should be no conflict between science and spirituality because science deals with Sargun, and spirituality tries to address Nirgun. They both deal with different levels of reality.

Sikh philosophy elaborated and clarified these concepts. It emphasized that these two realities are not parallel, but are the manifestation of one ultimate reality or eternal truth. Nature, Sargun; and Akal Purkh, Nirgun; are manifestations of the same eternal truth. Therefore, Nirgun and Sargun are one and the same. Nirgun is beyond the effects of time and space. Nirgun is unchanging reality whereas Sargun is ever-changing reality. However, Sargun is created, maintained, and destroyed by Nirgun. This cycle is going on constantly and continuously. Destruction is essential for new creation. Nature is constantly regenerated and renewed.

These principles form the basis of the concept of unity in diversity. Nature is diverse, but the creator is one. Accepting and tolerating diversity is to live in harmony with natural law. This leads to unity among different groups of people and promotes harmony and peaceful coexistence.

The dominant western philosophy tries to impose uniformity and negate diversity. There is a big difference between university and uniformity. Unity can be obtained by accepting and tolerating diversity. However, trying to impose your culture and values on other cultures to achieve uniformity creates friction and conflict between different cultures. The urge to achieve uniformity is borne out of greed rather than welfare of mankind. The intention is to constantly expand and control the market. This is the fundamental cause of the clash of civilizations.

Western greed and imposition of consumerist culture on other people is the major cause of turmoil in the world. The west sees cultural diversity as an obstacle to its drive for expanding its market. However, any philosophy which goes against nature is bound to fall. Western consumerist culture is anti-nature. Therefore, it is bound to perish.

The eastern concept of unity in diversity, which reached its peak in Sri Guru Granth Sahib, can save the world and mankind from impending disaster. The time has come for the East to shed its inferiority complex, start combating western arrogance, and make the bold assertion that Eastern civilization is superior to consumerist western capitalist culture because it has sound concepts such as the concept of unity in diversity.

Dr. Sawraj Singh, MD F.I.C.S. is the Chairman of the Washington State Network for Human Rights and Chairman of the Central Washington Coalition for Social Justice. He can be reached at [email protected].