VIFF 2014 Program Announced


VANCOUVER — The Vancouver International Film Festival, which officially begins later this month, unveiled their 2014 line-up on Wednesday evening at their permanent home in downtown Vancouver.

Their program has some of the big Hollywood and international films that have already screened at Telluride and Toronto but there are still a few gems to be had!

The festival opens with Canadian-Hollywood director Jean Marc Vallee’s Reese Witherspoon starrer Wild! For Cinephiles, the festival is like Mecca!!! Enjoy the spiritual journey!

The 33rd edition of the festival (September 25 – October 10) will feature world-class cinema and unique film-focused events. From Cannes to the red carpet runway, 2014 sees VIFF make a bold transition in film, industry and special events.

This year audiences can look forward to 353 films from over 65 countries, including 223 features and 130 shorts. The stellar line-up includes 32 World Premieres, 38 International Premieres, 22 North American Premieres, and 47 Canadian Premieres.