BC NDP nominates Rachna Singh in Surrey North


BC’s Education Minister Rachna Singh has pledged to take action to improve housing, affordability, education, and health care in Surrey North after being nominated as the BC NDP’s candidate in the riding for the fall provincial election.

Singh moved from India to Canada in 2001 and chose British Columbia to build a better life for her young family. Before her election as the MLA for Surrey-Green Timbers in 2017 and 2020, Rachna worked as a support worker for women facing domestic violence, and as a community activist. She is currently the Minister of Education and Child Care and proudly serves the people of Surrey as the MLA for Surrey-Green Timbers.

“I chose to raise my family in British Columbia because I knew what a great community we have here — and I’m not alone,” said Singh. “Families in Surrey are benefitting from the action our BC NDP team has taken, from eliminating tolls on bridges, to investing in housing people can afford, improving healthcare, increasing spaces for students and creating affordable childcare spaces. People are counting on us, and we can’t risk the reckless cuts John Rustad’s Conservative party would bring.”

“Rachna has spent her entire life advocating for others,” said Premier David Eby. “As an MLA and Cabinet Minister, she has been an effective champion for the people of Surrey for more schools and improving health care. She will ensure the residents of  Surrey have good services and good jobs to build a good life here.”

Rachna Singh will join David Eby and 91 other exceptional BC NDP candidates in this fall’s provincial election, all committed to real action to help people build a good life here in BC.