The death of highly honourable scholar Abdul Lateef Naumani has gripped the Canadians with a deep embrace of shock.As the community grieves, people thank Almighty for the memorable years he gave to this beloved purveyor of kindness and humility. His death gives us cause to ponder how he touched our lives.
People are paying tribute to his immense and unique contribution to peace and justice and his emphasis on the dignity and worth of every individual from conception to the grave.
He was a founding father of Surrey Fiji Islamic Centre from where he imparted knowledge not just religiously, but socially and morally.
He had the uncanny knack of guiding the direction and inspiring and fulfilling youth aspiration. With his child-like curiosity, simplicity and optimism, no other public figure endeared himself to all sections of community like Abdul Lateef Naumani.
His relentless service to community over the past 44 years will be remembered by many generations to come. Entire Surrey community are devastated to lose our national symbol of truth, love and hope.
The brilliant and sparkling light that illuminated our Canadian community and our global landscape amid darkness and chaos has gone out.
Beloved Naumani was one of a kind everyone will miss him.
By Hanif Patel