Sunset Indo-Canadian Seniors’ Society holds Annual General Meeting


Grow old with me.  The best is yet to be.”- Robert Browning.

Sunset, a natural phenomenon, and Seniors are, to a large extent, synonymous. Both are at the fag end of their lives. They are embodiments of joy, peace and introspection. World literature has a lot to describe them. That is why, it has been said, “A man succeeds only in two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with seniors and smarter people.”

The Sunset is merely a prelude to the dawn, yet its majesty fills one’s mind with the most beautiful of dreams. As one’s eyes drift to rest, one is with the stars, skin cooled by the breeze and when one awakes, the sky is radiant with the first kiss of the new day.  “Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years.

Indo-Canadians is not merely a hyphenated word but a Society or a Sangat to be respected and reckoned with. The Indo-Canadians rose from lumber mill and agricultural workers to become fauna and flora of Canadian economic and political system. Today they are pervasive all over.  It is because of the seniors

The Sunset Indo-Canadian Seniors’ Society was registered under the B.C.’s Societies Act in 1977. The purpose of this Society is to promote cross-cultural affinity and to disseminate day-to-day information on welfare measures regarding seniors. The members  gather on  Thursday each  week from 12 noon to 2.30 pm  to talk to each other as a larger family to overcome isolation at home. It gives the seniors a stage to share their life experiences in the form of prose, poetry, religion,  culture and self-help texts. Society is apolitical and has ‘no profit’ motive.

An Indian national or an Indo-Canadian of 65 years and above can become a member with $10/- annual membership. Non-members are also welcome to attend.   Society is eligible for a government grant.  However, so far Society has been able to manage its expenditure on its own. Like many other associations, societies and groups, this society is above election inflictions. The Executive Committee and its Directors are elected unanimously.

The Annual General Body meeting was held on June 6, 2024. Fifty-five members were present. They unanimously passed two Resolutions:  instead of twelve, the number of Directors would be eleven to avoid the tie-vote, and the term of the Directors would be five years from the date of the General Body Meeting of June 2024. In case a Director ceases to be in position due to any reason, his replacement will be appointed by the Executive till the General Body meets and approves the new Director.

The General Body also approved the Income and Expenditure Statement for 2023-24 presented by the Treasurer. In addition to the GB meeting, the usual program of explaining a hymn from Sri Guru Granth Sahab, recitation of poetry and an analysis of national and international news with special emphasis on the results of the Indian General Elections was conducted in a congenial atmosphere.  At the end, the President had a vote of thanks. As per practice, members were served tea and snacks.

The names of the present eleven Directors are M/s Gurpal Singh Pandher, President; Manjit Singh Dhillon- Vice President; Amrik S. Mann- General Secretary; Dinesh Malhotra- Assistant Secretary; Jarnail Singh Sahota- Treasurer; Gurcharan Singh Waraich; Gurdarshan S. Matharoo; Kuldeep S. Jagpal; Raghbir S. Uppal; Sucha S. Claire and Zile Singh.

The Society is a convenient platform for federal, provincial and city politicians to brief the seniors on matters of their concerns.  Society’s Directors and members come from different backgrounds like physicians, musicians, farmers, bankers, lawyers, teachers, engineers, writers, drivers and diplomats.

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