America’s New Australia Alliance Another Step Towards Reviving Racism And Colonialism


By Dr. Sawraj Singh

America and Australia have just decided to form a military alliance. After Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines, Australia is going to have an American military base. Australia is joining America’s efforts to thrust the third World War onto Asia. After the two World Wars, Europe absolutely refuses to become an arena for the third World War. It is ironic that Australia is joining America in an anti-China alliance, the very country from which Australia is reaping the maximum economic benefits. China is Australia’s largest trading partner.

In spite of the huge economic benefits, Australia is entering a military alliance which is a great potential risk for Australia’s economy and future. What can be the reason for this? Australia and America have deep similarities. Both the countries were treated as penal colonies by Europe to dump its criminals and undesired elements. In both of the countries, the native people were butchered and massacred. Both of the countries followed overt racism and are now following covert racism. The blacks were lynched in America, and Australia, until very recently, followed an openly racist immigration policy.

Both the countries have a Cowboy image and are sort of outcasts from the main white global community, which is still led by the Europeans. Out of the fear of the Soviet Union, the Europeans had to accept America as their leader, but Europe continued to have strong anti-American sentiment. This sentiment reached its peak during the Bush era. Europe perceived Bush as an uncivilized and rustic Cowboy who had very little intelligence. Bush brought out their covert feelings towards the Americans to the surface. The European media caricatured Bush as a buffoon and a Cowboy. Bush represented the Beverly Hillbilly: the rich but uncultured, unpolished, and unsophisticated relative who can be an object of embarrassment even though you need his favors.

America is busy lining up the pygmies against the giants, China and Russia. So long as Putin is in charge, Russia is always expected to stand with China. An American and Australian alliance cannot change the course of history. By joining such an alliance, Australia can only harm itself. The days of America as the only superpower of the world are numbered. Sooner than later, the American hegemony and the unipolar western-dominated world order are coming to the end. The world is going to become multipolar without any one country, a group of countries, or a region having the ability to dominate the rest of the world.

America wants to contain China because it sees China as the biggest challenge to its hegemony and monopoly. The American hegemony has led to the evolution of the world which is based upon the principles of inequality and injustice. The rules clearly promote the white race and discriminate against the other races. According to their constitutions, the President of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has to be European and the President of the World Bank has to be an American. The white majority countries have extremely disproportional voting rights as compared to non-white countries. For example, America has 18% voting rights in the IMF, whereas India, with a population that is about four times larger than America, has approximately 1.5% voting rights. According to the IMF constitution, with 17% votes, any action of the IMF can be blocked. Therefore, America is in a position to control the IMF. Whether it is the United Nations or the International Criminal Court, the story is pretty much the same. How many non-white judges does the International Criminal Court have?

Australia should read the writing on the wall that the present world order based upon inequality and injustice is going to change and Australia’s relations with China are the only guarantee of a respectable status in the new world order.

Dr. Sawraj Singh, MD F.I.C.S. is the Chairman of the Washington State Network for Human Rights and Chairman of the Central Washington Coalition for Social Justice. He can be reached at [email protected] or 509-962-3652.