How To Cut The Sweet Cravings


Things that can be eaten instead of high calorie sweets to curb the sweet tooth and to keep the weight in check

You are in the middle of an important meeting and suddenly you crave for that succulent piece of doughnut laced with chocolate syrup, or in the midst of a family function all you can think is the counter at the buffet that is graced with an array of various sweet delicacies, or while running on the treadmill you think of nothing but your next cheat day where you have decided to try out the new Patisserie in your vicinity?

Giving into you sweet cravings can be fun at first but the moment you start losing your grip, all hell breaks lose on you. It’s easy to give in your sweet cravings but to curb it takes a little extra effort and patience. But going one step at a time can surely help you to curb your sweettooth in a longer run.

Go the ‘fruity’ way: One of the best ways to curb your sweet cravings and still be healthy is grabbing a fruit whenever the sweet pang hits you. Not only the fibers in the fruits will give you the required nutrients, but the natural sweetener in fruits also satiates your sweet cravings. Always keep a fruit handy. Along with fruits also stock up nuts for healthier results.

Eat at regular intervals: Eating healthy at regular intervals say at every 2-3 hours will help you to keep the sweet cravings at bay. The more time you give between two meals the higher the chance that you may end up choosing sugary and fatty foods instead of healthy foods to cut your hunger. Also eating at regular intervals helps you to keep your blood sugar level stable and also keeps you away from irrational eating patterns.

A little bit makes no harm: There is no harm in giving in your cravings if you know when to stop. Take a small part of your favourite sweet delicacy on your cheat day, and eat it slowly, cherishing every single morsel of it. A small piece of chocolate or a candy can help you to curb your sweet cravings for a longer time if you know when to hit the stop button.

Go the cold turkey way: If you want to steer way from sweets then completely cut them off from your grocery list. Whenever you feel like having them, have a gum instead or a fruit or nuts or simply go for a change of place; for instance take a walk around the block or change the scenario.