B.C. Supreme Court says City of Surrey can build 84 Avenue extension


SURREY Mayor Doug McCallum said on Friday that the City of Surrey will be immediately proceeding on building the 84 Avenue extension after the B.C. Supreme Court decision that the City is well within its rights to proceed.

McCallum noted: “The Safe Surrey Coalition-led City Council approved this project in July largely due to the heavy congestion at 88 Avenue and King George Boulevard. For many years, this has been Surrey’s most dangerous intersection when it comes to motor vehicle collisions. The 84 Avenue extension will provide a safe, convenient and reliable alternative connection between Newton and Fleetwood that will alleviate pressure at the aforementioned junction.”

He said in a statement: “I am also proud of the City’s efforts to mitigate environmental impact by utilizing existing road allowance under the power lines to construct the vehicle lanes.

“This is a proposal that has been considered by Council twice over the past two decades, yet without action ever being taken. Over that time, countless accidents, injuries and even fatalities have occurred because of a complete lack of leadership.”

McCallum added: “Today, we are finally able to move forward in the best interests of Surrey’s residents and I am proud of the leadership of the Safe Surrey Coalition in getting it done.”

The B.C. Supreme Court decision is a big blow to the opposition in Surrey City Council that has been using every opportunity to vilify and sabotage McCallum and the Safe Surrey Coalition with the support of some biased and racist journalists in the mainstream media.