As Kids Head Back To School Next Week – They Need Our Full Support To Make A Great Start To The School Year


By Balwant Sanghera

In a few days, students in British Columbia will be heading back to school for another brand new school year. Whether a student is entering kindergarten, high school or university they all have some anxiety and apprehension about the new situation and environment. As parents and caregivers we need to understand that and support them as much as we can. Experts from BC Children’s Hospital have issued some very effective and timely guidelines in this regard.Dr. Ashley Miller, a psychiatrist with BC Children’s Hospital states: “When students are active in their bodies and minds, they are more able to learn, becreative, build healthy relationships and try new things. Young people can also be more able to cope in healthy ways when faced with stress or feelings of anxiety”.

The experts suggest that children, youth and adults who participate in regular physical activity and practice self- care activities such as mindfulness are more likely to meet academic goals, improve their memory as well as focus and a get a big boost in their self-esteem and confidence. Here are some helpful suggestions for the students: Practicing mindfulness can reduce stress, boost positive emotions, and improve memory and focus. Spending too much on iphones, computers TVs and other technology related items can have adverse effects on a student. They should try to spend less time on such technology related gadgets and more on their hobbies and activities with friends and family. Physical activity is very important not only for children and youth but also for adults. Also, nutritious food and getting enough sleep are equally important for our body and mind.

For parents and adults, this is what these experts have to say. Prepare your child and youth for the transition. Whether he/she is starting kindergarten or entering university they need help to work through the change. Offer them guidance and reassurance that everything is going to be fine.Help them get into a routine. Stay active as a family.It helps with connectedness and strengthens the bond with each other. In this context it is important to keep the lines of communication open. Set aside some family time to sit to-gether and share the day’s activities with each other. Ask open ended questions about the child’s school and other activities. Be there when your child needs you. Move from control to connection. Help your child maximize her/his potential by offering on-going support and encouragement.

For elementary school age children the back pack plays an important role in their lives. It has been suggested that a child’s back pack should not be heavier than 10-20% of his/her weight. Place only important items in the back pack.Don‘t clutter it. Distribute weight evenly.Encourage the child to use both straps Also, make sure your child’s back pack is of correct size. Finally, most of the students feel anxious in the beginning. As amatter of fact, some anxiety is normal as most of the students are facing an unknown and unpredictable environment. They will get used to it in a few days and feel comfortable. However, if a student continues to show anxiety after a few days ofschool then talk to his/her teacher and seek out help. Our children and youth are our greatest resource. Let us make every effort in making their schooling a productive and enjoyable experience.

Balwant Sanghera is a retired School Psychologist and Community Activist.