CURE FOR RACISTS? Blood Pressure Pill May Help Racists Curb Their Evil Thoughts: Study


Half of British study participants were given the drug propranolol used to treat high blood pressure and the other half received a placebo. They were given prejudice tests before, during and after taking the pills. Participants were asked to quickly categorize positive and negative words with the faces of black and white people, a new U.K. study suggests.

LONDON – Could a pill be a cure for rabid RACISTS?

According to British researchers, a common prescription drug used to treat high blood pressure may also curb racist thoughts.

University of Oxford researchers found people who took the drug propranolol showed less implicit racism — automatic, subconscious bias — than those who took a placebo.

Half of study participants were given the drug and the other half received a placebo. They were given prejudice tests before, during and after taking the pills. Participants were asked to quickly categorize positive and negative words with the faces of black and white people, the new U.K. study suggests.

Although just 36 white men and women took part in the study, it provides new evidence about the processes in the brain that shape implicit racial bias, co-author Sylvia Terbeck said.

“Given the key role that such implicit attitudes appear to play in discrimination against other ethnic groups, and the widespread use of propranolol for medical purposes, our findings are also of considerable ethical interest,” she said.

The study is published online in the Psychopharmacology journal.