Faith Groups Strongly Back Indigenous Rights Bill C-262



By Acharya S.P. Dwivedi

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has called Canada to adopt and implement the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as ‘the framework for reconciliation’(Call to Action #43) whilethe UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the rightsof Indigenous Peoples in September 2007.

We salute Hon. MP, Romeo Saganash, abitibi-BaieJames, a survival of the Residential School System,a passionate defender of the rights of Indigenous Peoples, who tabled the private bill in Parliament to ensure that the laws of Canada are in harmony with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous peoples.

The serious human rights violation that have been inflicted on indigenous peoples throughout the Canadian history, and they have suffered enormous injustice, discrimination and inhuman treatment.So many young indigenous women have disappeared, raped and men of their community butchered; and looted down of their spiritual and cultural heritage.There is demanding urgency to bring this kind of law to ensure the rights and treaty of indigenous peoples are adequately secured.

The UN General Assembly adopted the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Government of Canada will have to take all measures necessary to assure that the laws of Canada in a harmony with the UN Declaration of Rights on Indigenous peoples.

More than 200 people of different faiths and cultures assembled on April 6,2019, in front of CBC Radio Building ,Vancouver at 1.00 PM, to show their support for Bill C-262 which was passed by Commons and now is for third reading in Senate. The welcoming address was given by Deacon Rennie Nehannie-Squamish Nation followed by Judy Wilson.The ladies of Butterflies in Spirit acted that how the indigenous ladies disappeared?

The community leaders-Acharya S.P.Dwivedi (Hindus), Rabbi Laura D.Kaplan ( Jews),Khalil Jessa (Islam) , Rev. Samaya Oakley, and Cathy Merchant ( Christianity) spoke in support of indigenous rights and C-262. People chanted loudly -’ as Pass Bill C-262’and ‘We All for Indigenous Rights’.

We pray, with the looming of Federal Election, the Bill C 262 which was passed by Commons and now in its third reading is not stalled in the Senate.