Interfaith Harmony Week Affirmations


The U. N. World Interfaith Harmony Week in the first week of February has just passed. In maintaining that spirit of harmony, it would be good if you can publish this article. I presented a few of these points on Feb 6, at the Northwood United Church in Surrey.

By Dr. J Das

Satguru Kabir taught that unity of all people is paramount for a peaceful world. He pointed out our unity using several examples:

a. The well is one. Countless people draw its water. The differences are only in the vessels. The water in all is ONE.

b. Water is in the jar and the jar is in the ocean. Break the jar and both waters are ONE.

c. We are all made of the same elements and the consciousness in all of us is ONE.

d. Milk a white, a brown and a black cow. Their milk cannot be distinguished. It is one.

e. You divide yourself into different religions, and give God different names. You then fight and kill one another without knowing the secret of God. He is ONE.

f. Search in the depth of your hearts and you will find your differently- named gods to be ONE.

g. Talking to people of different religions seeking God, he uttered, “Dear brothers! Where are you looking for me? I am already with you.”

The world needs UNITY, HARMONY and ACCEPTANCE of all faiths in order to foster PEACE in the world. It is for this reason that the U. N. declared the first week of February annually as World Inter-faith Harmony Week. The affirmations below are to remind us that we can all play our part in fostering Inter-faith Harmony.

Interfaith Harmony Week Affirmations

1. We affirm that we support the United Nations Interfaith Harmony Week

2. We affirm that Interfaith Harmony is essential for acceptance and co-operation with one another in our multi-faith and multi-cultural world.

3. We affirm that every faith has an equal right to adhere to its teachings and practices without prejudice from others of different faiths

4. We affirm that human beings have the capacity to respect and love one another as fellow human beings.

5. We affirm that God is impartial and loving towards all people irrespective of their various faiths

6. We affirm that we need to live exemplary lives so that we pass on mature spiritual values to our future generations

7. We affirm that peace and goodwill start from each one of us, and that they will be reflected in world peace

8. We affirm that world peace will be possible when we allow the peace of the spirit to flow freely into our lives

9. We affirm that we support the visitation of places of worship other than our own, and that visitors be respectfully welcomed

10. We affirm that we will sincerely try to live according to these affirmations

Dr. J. Das can be reached at [email protected].