Kudos To All Volunteers Who Helped Out During Weekend Storm


Dear Editor:

It is out of human capability to stop or avert natural disaster but it is under human control to provide proper human aid at proper time and remain forefront to help in any advert situation.

Due to sever windstorm large scale damaged occurred across the lower mainland, tearing down trees and flooding streets. Many part of the area were struck without power for more than 24 hours.

When such type of disaster take place never forget to extend help. Your small help make a big difference and become tools of great relief for those who are afflicted.

During recent windstorm many of us exhibited humanitarian service beautifully. They come forward and provided assistance to remove tress and clean-up the streets. Some offered tea and coffee. Indeed it is a community level task which is commendable. Kudos to all volunteers.

No matter who you are but your help is great. Any untoward incident happened around us, promptly we have to look first at our neighbourhood where disable, seniors, sick or kids are not trapped in trouble? If yes than provide them necessary help and support as you can. All sincere and collective human efforts become successful to alleviate critical problems around us therefore always be prepare to helpful.

In the hour of difficulties we have to get together and demonstrate utmost human gesture of kindness and with that we able to make trouble easy to fight against any natural disaster.

Hanif A. Patel

Surrey, B.C.