Pilgrimage To Burns Bog Is An Ecological Haven


By Acharya S.P. Dwivedi

Burns Bog is a gigantic ecological reserve of ponderous carbon and home of several endangered  species of plants and animals. This sacred site in Delta city is under threat  by the proposed South Fraser Perimeter Road (SPPR) of the Pacific Gateway  mega project.

People have to know that peat lands(bogs) are great air scrubbers and it generates fresh air. They play a significant role in  climate change and makes us live healthier and longer.

Burns Bog is:

A. Five times larger than Stanley Park.

B. Largest  domed peat bog on the west coast

C. Biggest wilderness area in an urban setting in North America

D.  Huge carbon sink of over six million tons which is the lungs of lower mainland.

The Burns Bog Conservation Society(BBCS) with partnership with other environmental associations have been organizing yearly pilgrimage to pay homage to International Earth Day and to create awareness about the threat of new developments that are intended to destroy the Burns Bog.

This year Pilgrimage to Burns Bog was held between 1PM-4PM  on  27th April,2014. Program commenced with prayer offered by the Daughters of Drums of  First Nations.  Eliza Olson, Chair of  the BBCS spoke on the importance of Burns Bog ; Nick Epperson played the cello; Singers of the sacred Web sang songs of the glory of earth and concluding blessing was done by Acharya Dwivedi. More than two hundred people of different age-group, culture  and faith participated in Pilgrimage.