Residents Asked Not to Cut City Trees along streets or in parks


City uses certified arborists to prune trees on a regular schedule

Surrey, B.C. – The City of Surrey kicks off a campaign reminding residents not to cut trees along streets or in parks. These trees are pruned and maintained on a schedule by certified arborists. City trees are typically pruned every three years until the age of nine and every five years thereafter. City arborists prune over 1,600 trees each month.

“We are asking residents to leave pruning or cutting of trees to professionals,” said Neal Aven, Manager of Parks. “Trees are valuable assets that require investment in proper care. The City of Surrey uses professional, trained arborists to properly maintain trees for the safety of the public and the health of the trees.”

Trees provide many benefits such as energy savings, carbon sequestration, air quality improvements, storm water retention and increases to property values.

The cutting of City trees on City property is regulated by Surrey’s Tree Protection Bylaw. It is against City bylaws to cut any tree located on City property. Find out if a tree near your property can be pruned or not by calling 604-501-5050 to speak to a City arborist.

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