Super Vaccine May Knock Out 70 Percent Of Cancers


LONDON – A super shot that could knock out seven out of 10 lethal cancers is on the way.

It shrunk breast tumours by 80 per cent during tests and could also tackle prostate, pancreatic and cancers, said researchers. Even tumours that resist treatment with the best medicines available, including the ‘wonder drug’ Herceptin, may give in to the vaccine, the Daily Mail reports.

Said study co-author Sandra Gendler, professor of molecular biology at the Mayo Clinic: “Cancer cells have a special way of thwarting the immune system by putting sugar on the surface of tumour cells so they can travel around the body without being detected. To enable the immune system to recognise the sugar, it took a special vaccine that had three parts to it. That turned out to be a winning combination,” she added.