The Importance Of Volunteering In Your Community


Candidate for Surrey City Council

My passion for volunteering started at a young age. I remember the first organization I got involved with: United Way. I had finally found an opportunity to help people while applying my marketing academic background and passion to excite people about a cause, while building my network base.

We live and flourish in the communities we reside in. Our city provides a playground for us and our families to achieve their goals in life, and it is only fitting that we give back to our community through volunteer work.

There are so many benefits to giving back to the community, especially if you don’t know many people locally or know of the resources available. This is particularly the case for newcomers to Canada who may not know what resources their community has to offer. Through

It’s tempting to sit back and spend your free time relaxing rather than giving back to the community, however ultimately there is a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that is achieved through volunteer work. Additionally, it can open up the doors to so many opportunities and connect you to a whole new network of people.

Over the past 6 years, I have volunteered with the following organizations:

PICS (Progressive InterCultural Society) Harmony House

Friends of the Surrey Museum & Archives Society Cycling 4 Diversity

Vancouver Multicultural Society Global Girl Power

YWCA Single Mother’s Housing Development Surrey Food Bank

Surrey Urban Farmers Market Breakfast for Learning

Various campaigns with all levels of Government Great Helping Hand Society

Indo Canada Chamber of Commerce Heritage Advisory committee

Surrey Board of Trade committees Newton Advocacy Society

I have met many great mentors and wonderful people along the way both personally and professionally. For this reason, I encourage everyone in the community, of all ages, to roll up your sleeves and volunteer in your community. There are so many individuals, charities and causes that could your love and care. Not only will the organization or individual you are volunteering with flourish, you will learn valuable skills and extend your network base. To those who are already involved with their communities, I commend you on your efforts and hope we cross paths one day.