Those Fighting The KKK And Neo-Nazi Racists Need To Be Congratulated For Doing A Fantastic Job


Dear Editor:

Last week the KKK and Neo-Nazi demonstration failed miserably. Over 5,000 people from anti-racist groups circled the entire compound of Vancouver City Hall and did not allow Neo-Nazi and KKK people to enter. A few racists tried to pick a fight to obtain press coverage, but Police intervened and advised them to go away.

Several leaders condemned their action and urged the people to show their strength. Many South Asian groups, Pakistani groups and unions were well organized and the demonstration was peaceful.

David Duke of the KKK tried to open a office in Vancouver in 1980 to preach hatred under the disguise of free speech. BCOFR and several community organizations opposed and resisted the KKK. BCOFR signed a petition to ban the Klan and presented it to then Attorney General along with 22,000 signatures. The KKK were kicked out from Vancouver at that time. We believe these kind of efforts by racist groups should not go unchecked. The hatred can spread like a wild fire if their evil efforts to organize are not opposed in time.

I congratulate the organizers who did a fantastic job. There were many young men and women who showed up from all ethnic communities. It was delightful to see the big crowd. The hate message is coming from south of the border therefore we cannot stand idly by and must keep ourselves vigilant.

Charan Gill, MSW, OBC


BC Organization to Fight Racism

[email protected]