South Asian Community Brings a Ray of Hope to Health Care Initiatives


The South Asian Diaspora has long been known to be a community of givers focused on unity, progress and change.
This March, Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation launched its first South Asian fundraiser, Spring Fling, organised by a newly established sub-set committee called ‘Ray of Hope’. Ray of Hope is dedicated to promoting seva (selfless service; the act of giving without expecting anything in return) principal pillars in both Sikhism and Hinduism.
And the new committee is actively looking for members in the South Asian community who would like to dedicate their time to help our local hospitals either by volunteering or giving.
The event, Spring Fling, held at Langley Banquet hall featured music, bright colours, and an array of delicious Punjabi food. And most of all the event highlighted a community coming together to proudly raise $25,000 for vital medical equipment.
Executive director, Elizabeth Harris, Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation, said, “We are incredibly grateful and thankful for the local South Asian community for the generosity shown in supporting our hospitals need for vital equipment.”
Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation is proud of being part of the multi-faith community here in the Fraser Valley and would like to wish everyone a very happy Vaisakhi!
The Foundation relies on gifts from our community to strengthen our organisation.
Please contact Dr. Jassal directly to support our future health and wellness in the Fraser Valley: [email protected]